Expert Consulting Services

for Business Professionals

At BLK Consulting, we excel in providing tailored services that drive strategic growth and operational success. Trust our experienced professionals to deliver precise insights and effective solutions for your business challenges.

BLK Consulting is a provider of Engineering and Technology Consulting Services.

Having 20+ years of professional experience collected across multidisciplinary and multinational industrial projects we have necessary working knowledge and commitment to delivering tailored solutions and actionable insights.


We are not just an advisory services provider but we are here to get involved and deliver hands on assistance while executing the projects.

Our policy is: “get it done”, so we will review the situation as for today, define the project scope, timeline and necessary resources to deliver the content as agreed in the consulting phase.

If you are looking for experts in Industrial Digitalization and Transformation towards Sustainable and Circular Economy get in touch with us. Let’s “get is done” together.


If you’re interested in collaborating, please provide your information, and we will contact you back. We look forward to working with you.